Submit Guest Post

Guest Post Submission Guidelines:

We don’t accept all guest post submissions. We’re only looking for quality content relevant to our niche. Before you submit your guest post, you should know:

  1. The text should consist of at least 1200 words, be free of grammatical errors, and typos, and make sense.
  2. We welcome promotional articles, but only if they provide valuable information to readers/audience.
  3. Ensure that the article’s title is appealing and less than 60 characters.
  4. Provide the featured image in HD resolution. If necessary, include additional photos in the body of the material.
  5. Link to your website should only be one and it will be tagged as do-follow. Additional links would be no-follow.
  6. Submit articles in Microsoft Word or Google Doc format as email attachments; for the image, it should be sent as an attachment.
  7. Mention “Guest Post” in the subject line and provide the author’s bio. Provide links to social profiles.
  8. We don’t accept copyrighted content.
  9. Don’t send the content which has been published already including your blog.
  10. You might include 4 to 5 frequently asked questions at the end of the article to increase search engine visibility.

Topics We Cover

  • OTT
  • OTT Devices
  • Video Streaming
  • Audio Streaming
  • Live Streaming
  • IPTV
  • Video On Demand
  • Linear TV
  • Video Monetization
  • Cloud TV
  • Online TV
  • Live Broadcasting
  • Music Streaming

How to Contribute a Guest Post

If you are a skilled writer. You can contact us directly at You should include a ‘Guest Post’ in the subject line.